
Solton Karat 8 Review

  • Thor 
Solton Karat K8 impressions after the 1rst Year. The Experience First Impression, they are different.  It took me a few minutes to get used the even Impulse over the full Volume. Looking for the “ now getting loud enough to build the pressure” and not hearing the acquired varying performance, took a few moments to get used to. The First Two Usages were Multiple Headsets, plus live Band at two different School play’s performed in Sports halls with the usual Problems.20… Continue Reading »Solton Karat 8 Review

Analog Crossover.

  • Thor 
Today I spent some time in the Studio testing The Omnitronic XO 300 Versus The Samson S3way. Over 20 years ago I used this System with two expensive Ashley 1001 Crossovers and sold it 10 years later with a Digital Crossover. It was all returned to me when the owner emigrated to New Zealand. Presently used in the Studio for Bands, it offers a decent Size Rig well able to produce Dominant Vocals or simulate a Live Gig for Recording.… Continue Reading »Analog Crossover.

My 1st Point Source

  • Thor 
Size MattersPoint Source System. Double 8″ Tops with Carbon Speakers, 15″ Subs and Linea amp with Fir filter.3600w rms . What is i like ? Little more compressed in lower Volumes, With the amount of Processing in place no wonder. Even & elegant going up in Volume. Output of 130db fitting into a Car.

The Wonderful World of the Digital Matrix

  • Thor 
Having finished A Fully Digital Audio System Installation with Dante. There are so many advantages. Analog or Digital , the Reliability Having sources analog hard wired together over many Rooms can be made to work, until the set-up is disturbed. The Digital audio link does not amplify a mixture of low power Signals to & from the various power sources, earth and signal connections. There are no signal interference, it works or it does not. Sound Quality Loss over Distance,… Continue Reading »The Wonderful World of the Digital Matrix

Making a Good old Speaker even Better

  • Thor 
How to make a good old Speaker better.. Now 4 x Grundig Audiorama 8000 in stock. Finished with new Paint. Utilizing them as mid tops on a active 3 way sub i found then a little to much compressing. and after having glance inside i noticed the thin wiring used back then. So out came the Solder and 2.5 copper from and to the Xovers now. The difference is clearly to hear. More drive and better punch. The Tweeters are… Continue Reading »Making a Good old Speaker even Better

A Story listening to Hifi Systems

  • Thor 
In the Mid 70’s growing up in Germany, before Walkmann, most kids i knew played music with mail order mono Tape Player, I remember that my Granddad spend about 40 DM more ( every Deutschmark Mark counted then ) for ITT Schaub Lorenz Recorder that looked and sounded a little different. My Granny’s Kitchen Radio was from the same Brand. Gentler sounding compared to much bigger more expensive Stereo GhettoBlasters. It had a Silver Metal finish and Recording with mike… Continue Reading »A Story listening to Hifi Systems